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Making a Companion Perk


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I can make a perk and know how to add a perk to companions but can't seem to find the command needed. Once the player reaches 100 in Sneak, then a high level perk would be available to control their wait state or boost the companion skill some. Trying to make a perk that will effect companions, based on the player action, so far I only see "is Sneaking" as a parameter, not "player is sneaking". For example, if want them to stay back/wait and don't want them going into Sandbox wandering around, standing up. If I say wait and Player isSneaking, they stay crouched while waiting.


playerIsSneaking Sneak


or an alternate to bonus them, from the player's high skill/knowledge


playerIsSneaking +10 Sneak


I guess if there's no "player is sneaking" then I would have to make a script? If so I could really use some help there, can make a script but do it so rarely, not very good at it.



Thanks for any tips or help. :)

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I did not quite follow what you are asking for. Referring to the perk Cannibal as an example, in the perk owner tab of the perk entry there is a condition using IsSneaking. That is run on the subject (the capital S in the Target column). Therefore since the Cannibal perk is put on the player, one of the conditions for it to activate is the player has to be sneaking. So if you make a perk using a similar condition, that perk would only be active when the player is sneaking.
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Thanks for your reply viennacalling.


Sorry, not sure how to explain it I guess, maybe I need more caffeine or sleep. ;)


Yes, I see the *isSneaking*, but I'm looking for a way to activate the Companion perk function, based on the *Player is Sneaking*.


Afaik *isSneaking* refers to whether the actual companion is sneaking, so if they are in a wait state or sandbox (if applicable in wait state) but they are still in group, then they will not be *isSneaking* to make the perk function active.



Hope that's a bit clearer. :)

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I think one of the companions from Honest Hearts has a perk that does something like this but lowers the enemy's perception while you are sneaking, if you have the dlc you could try looking into how it's done in that.
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Thanks Saxxon91, better take a look at it since what I'm trying to do is still not working.


Really appreciate all the tips, it's just my limited skills. Even when doing a GetID of a specific NPC, then using Target column as Target or Reference is a no go.


Here's a specific example, I have Smooth Criminal Perk from More Perks and god/dog is in my party. I don't want to be forced to change my play style for him. Instead of trying to even bother with god, when I sneak, he needs to have stealth-boy invisibility activated. Since he doesn't sneak *IsSneaking* isn't working on him.


I can make a *isSneaking*, then add the perk as a player.addperk # 1, then it works on all the companions that Sneak already, but not on god/dog (nor Rex and ED-E not in party atm).



Edit: Solved, I'm defiantly a big dummy.

Edited by Acleacius
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I had this problem. To add a perk to -any- companion your with, you have to use a script, and write:


Player.addperk myperk 1


The 1 will mean it effects your allies, and won't effect the player. This will only applied to companions following you, so if you want it to update to add in new or different companions, use


If player.getteammatecount != myvariable

Player.removeperk myperk 1

Player.addperk myperk 1


So your final script will look something like:


Scn myscript


Short doonce

Short CompanionCount


Begin gamemode

If player.hasperk myperk 1 == 0 && player.issneaking && doonce == 0

Player.addperk myperk 1

Set doonce to 1



If doonce == 1 && player.issneaking == 0

Player.removeperk myperk 1

Set doonce to 0



Edited by senterpat
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