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Light armor mods that are clothing like but not SUPER skimpy


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I was wondering if there is any mooder out there who would be willing to make me more armor like the mod Leah armor ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16963 ) and the Temptress race armor ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18717 )

I've looked and looked for good armors like these but these are the only two I can find.

I like the two have lots of different pieces (6 or so) and I don't wear helmets just circlets.

All different colors would be awesome too , those two armors I posted are as skimpy as I like them. Full but and boob coverage

I also posted a picture I found on here of a clothing style that I love. Couldn't find out where it came from though

I would so so so so so grateful, would donate money to however did.

-Rebecca, thanks a ton!!

Or if anyone knows of any armors out there like those that I missed , I would love it if you shared them with me!! THANKS!


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