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Saved game request, please


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Is anyone into making saved games. :whistling: I'm looking for a saved game i can use whenever i mess up, sick of starting all over again. I have not found what i want on Nexus yet. I want to start game with all whiterun and riften quests done. Except don't do the Companions yet. I'd like to be a gorgeous sexy nord archer overpowered. :thumbsup:

The reason im asking is that i spend all my time in bed sick, never getting better. Im on morphine all the time, so i tend to make mistakes in game.

Please contact me if you'd like to take up this offer. :wallbash:

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Uh... I'll get to work, but I cannot make her that sexy, however, I cannot do the Theive's guild for you, they are all idiots, I will do all the subs and Whiterun's, though.
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Is anyone into making saved games. :whistling: I'm looking for a saved game i can use whenever i mess up, sick of starting all over again. I have not found what i want on Nexus yet. I want to start game with all whiterun and riften quests done. Except don't do the Companions yet. I'd like to be a gorgeous sexy nord archer overpowered. :thumbsup:

The reason im asking is that i spend all my time in bed sick, never getting better. Im on morphine all the time, so i tend to make mistakes in game.

Please contact me if you'd like to take up this offer. :wallbash:

Also, do you have some sort of illness? Not to be too personal.

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Uh... I'll get to work, but I cannot make her that sexy, however, I cannot do the Theive's guild for you, they are all idiots, I will do all the subs and Whiterun's, though.



Thank you so much. Dont worry about the sexiness. :unsure: Yes i di have a few illnesses. Fibromyalgia/lupus, just beaten ovarian cancer, asthma. endemetriosis, and a hernia. :wallbash: lol need a health potion or two lol. :thumbsup: you can send me an email when done if u like, no worries, [email protected] :whistling:


thanks Sandy :psyduck:

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I'm not a big fan of running through quests, but I am good at getting characters attractive. And powerful. If Falloutman does the quests, I can use showracemenu to get her pretty, then give her whatever stats you want. You mentioned "overpowered." How overpowered are we talking? :rolleyes:
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I'm not a big fan of running through quests, but I am good at getting characters attractive. And powerful. If Falloutman does the quests, I can use showracemenu to get her pretty, then give her whatever stats you want. You mentioned "overpowered." How overpowered are we talking? :rolleyes:


i just want to kick butthttp://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif. Id like the giants to stop flinging me through the air lol. I like a challange and play on the hardest setting, but i dont want to die a lot as well.I have started this game over 30 times, so the initial quests in whiterun seem boring now, Even now, i cant get past the war because legate rikke wont continue the questline, There is a glitch somewhere. I think i have had every glitch this game has to offerhttp://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/confused.gif


Thanks again

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You and I probably have very different definitions of "overpowered," then. My characters tend to have at least a thousand health, magicka, and stamina, and their base skills set at 200. They also have every racial power, know almost every dragon shout, and have the most powerful spells from every school. And they have no shout cooldowns. And every perk. I'm assuming that's not what you mean. :teehee:
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You and I probably have very different definitions of "overpowered," then. My characters tend to have at least a thousand health, magicka, and stamina, and their base skills set at 200. They also have every racial power, know almost every dragon shout, and have the most powerful spells from every school. And they have no shout cooldowns. And every perk. I'm assuming that's not what you mean. :teehee:


http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/whistling.gifthats overpowered wow. I still want to learn my shouts, http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gifI's be happy with 400 health and stamina, I love archers, and get a pleasure out of taking things down, and earning my stripes. I have never made it past level 50, and the highest quest i have done in main storyline was to meet at alduins wall.I had a glitch where i turned invisable, one where farkas would not leave me alone, a glitch where everyone killed me on site and i did nothing wronghttp://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gifglitches where main storyline npc's were found dead, too many glitches to remember, my hubby says im bad luck in the game.

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I had a glitch where I oneshotted Alduin once. (Or possibly I set the difficulty to "novice.") And it's an Elder Scrolls game, everyone has bad luck with glitches. It goes with the territory. Because the games are so open-ended, the programming has to be open-ended too, and computers don't like that very much. Dawnstar, that brand-new DLC, has a couple of serious ones already, and it hasn't even been exposed to the modding community yet. I myself have had games where quest items have fallen through the floor into nothingness, and games where Ulfric forgot his lines and I had to replay the negotiations scene four times and use the console to get through it, and games where the doors don't open to let me into Helgen and I get into a wagon crash and flip over the exterior wall instead. (That last one was actually REALLY cool.) It happens.


So, about your stats: basically, what is your ideal character to start with? I can set your health, magicka, stamina, every one of your skills, and your character's overall level totally independent of one another, and I can give you any perks you'd like to have, regardless of whether that skill is at the appropriate level or not.

Alternatively, I could just make your character pretty and set her to level 1, give her whatever equipment you'd like to start with, and you can level her up organically yourself. Since you want her quote-unquote "overpowered," I can throw in some free bonuses... higher starting archery skill, perhaps? Dragon souls? A million gold? Free mead? :P As long as it's not mod-added, I can make it happen.

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I had a glitch where I oneshotted Alduin once. (Or possibly I set the difficulty to "novice.") And it's an Elder Scrolls game, everyone has bad luck with glitches. It goes with the territory. Because the games are so open-ended, the programming has to be open-ended too, and computers don't like that very much. Dawnstar, that brand-new DLC, has a couple of serious ones already, and it hasn't even been exposed to the modding community yet. I myself have had games where quest items have fallen through the floor into nothingness, and games where Ulfric forgot his lines and I had to replay the negotiations scene four times and use the console to get through it, and games where the doors don't open to let me into Helgen and I get into a wagon crash and flip over the exterior wall instead. (That last one was actually REALLY cool.) It happens.


So, about your stats: basically, what is your ideal character to start with? I can set your health, magicka, stamina, every one of your skills, and your character's overall level totally independent of one another, and I can give you any perks you'd like to have, regardless of whether that skill is at the appropriate level or not.

Alternatively, I could just make your character pretty and set her to level 1, give her whatever equipment you'd like to start with, and you can level her up organically yourself. Since you want her quote-unquote "overpowered," I can throw in some free bonuses... higher starting archery skill, perhaps? Dragon souls? A million gold? Free mead? :P As long as it's not mod-added, I can make it happen.

I.ve been thinking, I'd like a khajji female with all archery skills.good at sneak and pickpocket. Keep the money low, and stats , well ummm whatabout 500 each.http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/ohdear.pngDuel daggers would be good also.I'd also like smithing perks so i can get some good armors.The rest i leave up to you as a surprise, i plan to play on hardest level, and i want to explore every inch of the map.


Hubby has the nude mod, and strips all females, then giggles, he's such a boyhttp://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/facepalm.gif.



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