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Question about Custom Races


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Alright. Skyrim custom races. Most of us love them, most of us want them, most of us use them. I've looked at them, I've wanted to use them, I've tried using them. But I'm afraid to use more than one at once. Why? Because installing ONE overwrites the main Skyrim werewolf and vampire scripts. Okay, that's fine. Hasn't messed up my Vanilla races. But installing ANOTHER wants to overwrite those scripts AGAIN with their own. So, are they using the same coding to adapt to multiple custom races, or is the code unique to each race? I haven't found anything that clarifies this yet. All I know is Skyrim handles custom races A LOT differently than Oblivion does, so I need a bit more info on those scripts, heh..


Thankyou for taking the time to read this, and have a great day!

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Now I'm not an expert on custom races but if I've understood this correctly those scripts are the same for all custom races. I've used multiple races at the same time and nothing broke. But if you want to be on the safe side you could just make a backup of the scripts before you install and then run your game to see if it works.
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