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Creating a Menu With Options that Trigger Scripts?

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I have created a menu that pops up when an object is Activated. When activated, the menu comes up with two options. I want to have it so that selecting one option will perform a collection of actions, while the other will close the menu. (Since they close the menu by default, I only need to figure out the one that will perform a collection of actions.)

Here's my menu script:

Scriptname WTStartMessageScript extends ObjectReference

Message Property WTStartMessage1 Auto

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)


I want to make it so that one of the options will do the following:

  • Move the player to a marker in another cell (Using player.moveto(?))
  • Add and equip items on the player (using player.additem and player.equipitem(?)
  • And finally trigger the SPECIAL menu to pop-up (?)


Problem is, I'm having trouble figuring out how to put this all together in the script or scripts. I'm imagining something like this(below) is how it works, but I know it doesn't work, so how do I do this correctly? Thanks for helping me out.

Scriptname WTStartMessageScript extends ObjectReference

Message Property WTStartMessage1 Auto
//Autofills the "Property" int for the message.

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)//When the door is activated
	Utility.wait(1)//Wait a moment
	WTStartMessage1.show()//Show message

//((When button 1 is selected))
Player.moveto //(Marker)
Player.additem //(item)
Player.equipitem //(item)

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Managed to get the script organized a bit and got the SPECIAL menu to come up when the option is selected. My script currently looks like this:

Scriptname WTStartMessageScript extends ObjectReference

Message Property WTStartMessage1 Auto
//Autofills the Message Property.

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) //When the door is activated
	Utility.wait(1) //Wait a moment
	Menu() //Perform function Menu below

Function Menu()
	Int iButton = WTStartMessage1.Show() //Show menu/message
	If iButton == 0 //If the first option is selected
	Game.ShowSPECIALMenu() //Show SPECIAL menu


I still need to figure out how to move the player and add/equip items.

Edited by legobrick100
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To add a FormList full of items and equip them if they are armor:

ObjectReference	Property pPlayerREF Auto Const Mandatory
FormList Property pSKK_FSSPlayerEquipment Auto Const Mandatory

iIndex = 0
While (iIndex  < pSKK_FSSPlayerEquipment.GetSize())
   pPlayerREF.AddItem(pSKK_FSSPlayerEquipment(iIndex), 1, abSilent = true)
   If (pSKK_FSSPlayerEquipment.GetAt(iIndex) is Armor)
      (pPlayerREF as Actor).EquipItem(pSKK_FSSPlayerEquipment.GetAt(iIndex), abSilent = true)
   iIndex +=1

To move the player give it an objectreference in the world

ObjectReference ThisTarget ;assign this from a property of something in the world

If (ThisTarget is WorkshopScript) || (ThisTarget is WorkbenchScript) ;dont appear on top of object
   pPlayerREF.MoveTo(ThisTarget, -128.0 * Math.Sin(ThisTarget.GetAngleZ()), -128.0 * Math.Cos(ThisTarget.GetAngleZ()), 0, true)	
Else ;its a marker
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To add a FormList full of items and equip them if they are armor:

ObjectReference	Property pPlayerREF Auto Const Mandatory
FormList Property pSKK_FSSPlayerEquipment Auto Const Mandatory

iIndex = 0
While (iIndex  < pSKK_FSSPlayerEquipment.GetSize())
   pPlayerREF.AddItem(pSKK_FSSPlayerEquipment(iIndex), 1, abSilent = true)
   If (pSKK_FSSPlayerEquipment.GetAt(iIndex) is Armor)
      (pPlayerREF as Actor).EquipItem(pSKK_FSSPlayerEquipment.GetAt(iIndex), abSilent = true)
   iIndex +=1

To move the player give it an objectreference in the world

ObjectReference ThisTarget ;assign this from a property of something in the world

If (ThisTarget is WorkshopScript) || (ThisTarget is WorkbenchScript) ;dont appear on top of object
   pPlayerREF.MoveTo(ThisTarget, -128.0 * Math.Sin(ThisTarget.GetAngleZ()), -128.0 * Math.Cos(ThisTarget.GetAngleZ()), 0, true)	
Else ;its a marker

Surely there's a simpler way to do this? From what I could find from other sources, performing the actions themselves are much less complicated.

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They are cuts from my published scripts. Pick the bits you like, ignore the bits you don't.

After playing around with your scripts, I managed to get the moveto and additem functions to work, but equipitem returns an error: "EquipItem is not a function or does not exist".

Scriptname WTStartMessageScript extends ObjectReference

Message Property WTStartMessage1 Auto
ObjectReference    Property pPlayerREF Auto
ObjectReference      Property WTPlayerMove Auto
ObjectReference    Property Pipboy Auto

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

Function Menu()
    Int iButton = WTStartMessage1.Show()
    If iButton == 0
    pPlayerREF.AddItem(Pipboy, 1, true)
    pPlayerREF.EquipItem(Pipboy, true)
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You've got pPlayerREF as an ObjectReference and EquipItem is an Actor function. You can get around this like so:

    (pPlayerREF as Actor).EquipItem(Pipboy, true)

Oh, thank you. That makes sense, I don't know why I didn't see that. It compiled successfully, though I'm having trouble now getting the Pipboy property to autofill. What am I doing wrong there?


EDIT: Got it to autofill. The Pipboy was an Armor Property, not an ObjectReference Property.

Edited by legobrick100
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One final thing came up: I'm trying to figure out how to use enableplayercontrols correctly. I managed to reset the AnimationArchtype (to disable the FastWalk limiter), but I can't figure out how to use EnablePlayerControls to allow the player to fight, sneak, use VATs, etc. Any help there?

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One final thing came up: I'm trying to figure out how to use enableplayercontrols correctly. I managed to reset the AnimationArchtype (to disable the FastWalk limiter), but I can't figure out how to use EnablePlayerControls to allow the player to fight, sneak, use VATs, etc. Any help there?


I'm not sure I follow. How did player controls get disabled in the first place?

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