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Skyrim Dynamic Things - Enhanced broken.


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Ok so i am in need of some help i have installed Dynamic Things - Enhanced and the things it requires but every time i try click the options in the mcm on the right side of the mcm menu other dynamic things. under the dynamic things mcm menu nothing happends I can click the activate all button and it will activate only the hay bales but I cant click anything else I want to fix it because I want to have dynamic mead kegs. and I don't want to have to install a entire mod to do so since dynamic things has the option to do it I just cant activate it I can click the option but nothing happends as I said. so if someone can please help me that would be great.


P.S I don't know how to get my load order from vortex so I can't post it.

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Ok so i am in need of some help i have installed Dynamic Things - Enhanced and the things it requires but every time i try click the options in the mcm on the right side of the mcm menu other dynamic things. under the dynamic things mcm menu nothing happends I can click the activate all button and it will activate only the hay bales but I cant click anything else I want to fix it because I want to have dynamic mead kegs. and I don't want to have to install a entire mod to do so since dynamic things has the option to do it I just cant activate it I can click the option but nothing happends as I said. so if someone can please help me that would be great.


P.S I don't know how to get my load order from vortex so I can't post it.

Could be a version mismatch between skyui, skse or both.

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Could be a version mismatch between skyui, skse or both.


sorry for the late reply but i got it working for a bit but now it is not working anymore and i know why vortex broke on me i managed to fix it but my load order is diffrent so i know whats happening the mod is having a issue with my load order. but i dont know how to post it as i said if i did then people could help me.

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