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Foggy Screen and Corpses

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I installed OOO and MMM today and as soon as I played it today My view distance changed to the lowest and everything is foggy now, When I kill someone their corpse turns grey and foggy too! Changing the view distance in the settings won't work and I am getting really annoyed by this. Any help on how to solve this would be appreciated. :biggrin:
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It sounds like the OB game engine is changing the viewing distance based on your comps graphics capability- it will assess it as best it can. I was using a low-end Radeon 1 Gb GDDR5 video card with 6 Gbs RAM and I was getting low visual settings as well. I upgraded recently to a mid-range Radeon 7850 2 Gb card and I still get lower settings at times, especially outdoors, but I now have better control of these. Actually, I only concern myself with Actors Viewing distance and nothing else, as maxing everything puts a greater strain on the graphics system and will be reset to lower settings quite often, in my experience.


If you're using the performance utility Streamline, this will also control viewing distance to increase overall performance levels. You can edit its control level in its .ini file tho, but always make a backup copy first just in case you need to revert the changes.


As far as your grey corpses go, I don't have an answer for you unless you're looking at one of the grey skinned races in the game. And visual fogginess... if it's not just foggy weather conditions, I have no clue what you mean. Perhaps your graphics card needs updated drivers?


Sorry I can't be anymore help. It sounds like your system requires a little performance boost. You can copy & paste this link to an expertly written TweaksGuide for Oblivion:




Hope this helps... good luck.

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