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Mountains Always Flicker


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I am an avid elder scroll's fan and love all of their games. Skyrim is no exception and may (emphasis on the may) be my favorite one so far. I love the feeling of immersion you get and it allows me to enjoy the game even when all i'm doing is roaming the wasteland (tehehe) enjoying the scenic views. That is until the inevitable mountain glitch happens. I have an extremely good computer (not to brag) that can pretty much run just about anything at top quality. I have my skyrim graphic's settings set to ultra and have no problems besides this issue. In the distance whenever there's a mountain range, the edges of the mountains begin to flicker. This immediately destroys any sense of immersion I had, sometimes ruining the game play experience for long periods of time. This may not seem like a large issue compared to some people's issues, however to those hardcore avid immersion fans they'll know how big of a deal this is. I've even tried to turn down my graphic's settings, but when I do the problem still persists. Are there any mods out there to correct this issue, or am I just going to have to deal with this forever? Please comment and help if you can, it's greatly appreciated!
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