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Toggle Magic


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Lets say you want light, you select the light spell and press "C" thus activating the light, but rather then a timer, the light spell won't end till you press "C" again or your mp reaches 0.


Thats what mean.


Personally I think this is better handled with hotkeys, but I use a hotkey expansion mod, to make the best use of it. So all my spells that I use most often are handled with a dedicated hotkey or hotkey combo (shift/1 for example)


Something like light I don't use much but when I do it's easy to grab the "long" version and then when it's almost finished I just press again, and the light stays on.. and that way all my other magic spells are still easily accessible at the press of one key/one key combo (still one keystroke)


I also make great use of enchanted items, so If I thought I'd need light for more than five minutes I could equip a light-enchanted item and the light would stay on until I chose to unequip. For Nighteye, I got a pair of glasses at Apachii goddess store and enchanted them with Nighteye.


When we are thinking of mods, I think, it might be best to consider what's already available and popular, and make our mods compatible with those, while attempting to fill a gap that those don't address.



This is just my opinion, though and your mileage may vary. Good luck with creating a mod!

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