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Another 2hand mod to cast


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So i was wondering if it is possible for someone to make a mod where we could hotkey a button where you would have your two hander out and you press the hotkey and the animation would be of my guy holding the two hander in one hand and casting then switching back to both hands on the weapon. I am not thinking about what others have which is basically dual wield a 2 hander and magic no. You have to imagine it like you would cast a spell if you have a sword that uses two hands. You would be hold it then top cast you would use your left hand real quick as your right holds the sword off to the side and once your done you bring your hand back to the middle and both hands grasp. World of Warcraft is a good representation of it i guess how a paladin is holding a two hander then casts a spell with his left then holds the sword with both hands again. If this could be done thatd be pimp
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