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Problem With Skyrim - NPC Trainers not working (showing one)


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Problem With Skyrim - NPC Trainers not working (showing one)


-.- i bet its mod.. but checking 1 by 1 would take forever so il just list my mods.. [since mby someone is good at modding and stuff like that so if they just look by eyes they will know what could be a problem]


1. http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/8503/capturehgk.png

2. http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/9414/capture2at.png

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I think the games training is bugged, because when I join the companion's and train for one and two handed weapons to master 5 it repeats several times even they'll I paid to level 5 once already!..


So I just add all perks at the beginning of the game from a mod here!..


someone else might come along with better help, I may be wrong about the games training

Edited by sinnerman69
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  • 2 weeks later...
I had the same problem. Comparing my mods to yours I drew up a list of mods we have in common and came up with 21 mods. I then stated to test one by one and I found that Dovahkiin's Hideout is at fault. Disable it and tell me if it works again.
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