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Are there any Tutorials for CK that explain how to take an item from a mod? I'm trying to pull the Daedric Katana and Nodachi From the Daedric Lord mod and add them as a standalone so I don't have to have the armor installed as well since it clashes with My LustDesign Daedric mod.


FYI as you can guess I'm new to CK and modding so any and all help would be appreciated.

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In your loading menu select the daedric lord mod.


Find the weapons in the Object Browser (the window on your left by default) : Go to items -> weapons and find them. Right click them in the list and press "duplicate" . Do whatever you want with the duplicate and done ! Press save.


It may do some issues with scripted weapons and other special stuff but this is it for beginners. Should work in most cases.

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This mod seems to put them under its own category under weapons can I pull the duplicates out of that category and into the normal weapons list?
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