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companion ingestible equip script


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Just add a ref variable and set it to GetSelf and then use RefVariable.Additem etc.


scn infectammoblack

ref self

Begin ScriptEffectStart

       set self to getself

       self.AddItem wereb2 1 1
       self.AddItem wereh2 1 1
       self.EquipItem wereb2 1 1
       self.EquipItem wereh2 1 1



Keep in mind that the second argument passed to the EquipItem command is a boolean flag that determines if the item can be unequipped. If you pass a 1, the actor cannot unequip the item by any means other than the UnequipItem command. If you want to be able to take the armor on and off normally, pass a 0 instead:


self.equipitem wereb2 0 1


More info here: EquipItem


Edit: Grammar are hard.

Edited by luthienanarion
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ah figured the first one in the equip commnd locked it, but i didnt know self meant anyone, i thought it was just refencing the player. but it seems self can either mean the player (when using the stim) or the actor (that gets hit).

if thats it that i think i got it ^^ thanks!


now i just need to see if i can find a way to play animation after its equiped

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