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"Sanctum of the Fallen" Compatability/Conflict Problems


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Link to the mod with issues -- http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19913


Hello gents, I've been having some compatability issues with my latest mod ("Sanctum of the Fallen"). It doesn't seem to be isolated conflicts either, it's almost as if anything which adds something to Skyrim's world-space conflicts with it; so I'm starting to think it might be due to something on my end. I'm just trying to figure out if there's some step I missed when connecting the dungeon to the world-space of Skyrim. I don't think it's cells having identical names either.


Just some of the measures I've tried so far:

1. Moving the tower which serves as the world-space location of the dungeon (by a strange fluke, the original version version seemed to straddling multiple wilderness cells).

2. Re-generating & finalizing the NavMesh for the cell(s?) where the world-location of the dungeon is located.


I still get a CTD when I try to load a save with my mod and any of the conflicts active.



This is assuming that the world location is the problem with the mod, it might be something else.

Nevertheless, the conflicts are a bit too numerous for it to be something with the other mods.

I'd greatly appreciate any tips, trouble-shooting, anything which will help solve this problem.


Thanks for your time.



*PROBLEM SOLVED* -- Converting the file to an ESM solved the issue.

Edited by LordThauron
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