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Texture Map file types


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I have been messing around with modding and am attempting to replace or create some textures. I'm new at this, tried searching around but could not find a description of the different types of .dds files with an underscore suffix in the name.


I have figured out these:


  • _n = normals or bump map
    _g = glow or luminance


but there are others I'm having trouble figuring out their purpose.


Here is a list of some of the suffixes I've seen, mostly in order of frequency seen:

Suffix - - - Example file

  • _m . .. ceremonialblade_m.dds
    _e . . . bleakfallscube_e.dds
    _p . . . wrstonebase02_p.dds or mineore01_p.dds
    _d . . . dark brotherhood robe_torso_d.dds or dagger_d.dds
    _s . . . grayfoxbust_s.dds
    _b . . . icewraith_b.dds or wolf_b.dds
    _em .. ironmace_em.dds
    _rim .. psiijicrobes_rim.dds


If someone could point me to a list of the texture map modifier definitions, or help fill out the list here, it would be most appreciated. I would like to understand these map types to create better textures.

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