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[LE] Help with custom conjuration spells


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Hello, I´m currently creating a conjuration pack for myself but I ran into a few issues with creatures and their spell casting, basically what I´m was trying to do was to get a WIspmother to use another conjuration spell I made, a frost cloak (the left-handed version) and Wall of Frost (also the left-handed variant) but ingame the wispmother just used Ice Volley and disregared the other spells, is there anyway to make her cast these spells? I was successful in making a mistman cast frost cloak and Dread zombie so thats why I´m wondering, I also tried once with a draugr and shock spells like THunderbolt and wall of storm but they didn´t even seem to correctly load into his right hand. And is there a way to keep creatures who turn into a pile of goo upon their death to stop leaving these remains as a summoned creature?

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As far as leaving puddles and ashes I have a mod on Nexus called "Tweaks Ashes Ashes Just Fall Down" that will fix that issue. The spell casting is a little different, if they dont have the magicka then they simply wont cast cloak spells, make sure they have the mana required or are a high enough level that they do. Wall spells are tricky in my experience, they seem to never cast it because of pathing perceptions imo, could be wrong. Hope the small insight helps a pinch, all i got.

Edited by Tweak1971
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