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Campfire / Frostfall SkyUI menu errors


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New to this forum so not sure if this is in the right place so apologies in advance.


The Issue:

I've added the CampFire mod, Frostfall mod, papyrus util, campfire+Frostfall SSE official patch and then enabled Frostfall in MCM. All that works fine. I then load up the inventory menu and can see warmth values for armour etc but the menu is not right for ultra wide screen (3440x 1440). I then reinstall the "Complete Widescreen Fix for Vanilla and SkyUI 2.2 and 5.2 SE" and this fixed the menu issue but now I have lost the warmth values for my items. If i preview a piece or clothing/armour, there is no value under warmth.


I read the posts within this mod -> https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20608?tab=posts and found that one user installed this: " SkyUI Widescreen Fix for Frostfall 3.4.1SE and Campfire 1.12.1", but I can't find this mod anywhere.


So, does anyone know how to get the menus to work correctly using ultrawide screen display and to show warmth values for armour/clothing?


thanks in advance


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