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Package Problem!!


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Sleep packages are separate and distinct from working (sandbox) packages. If you've just given him the one AI package, give him a second one based off of the sleep template (I'm paraphrasing, but I know there is one). Don't forget to set its schedule to run for 8 hours or so every night! Edited by JanusForbeare
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You have to be careful to make sure that his packages take him near a bed when it is time to sleep. You have to be sure he owns the bed or nobody does. You have to make sure nobody else has taken his bed. Some packages say to sleep in a bed within a certain distance of the editor location. So actors are often placed right by their bed for their starting location. Some custom sleep packages specify a particular bed reference. Don't have your actor be too many doors or worldspaces away from his bed. Navigation can be hard for an NPC.
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