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I would like to start doing voice acting.


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I want to start voice acting for mods. I have a decent microphone and the time to use it. Please help my in getting a part in ANY mod that can use me.


I'll give you a shout next time I have a character voice spot open. I'll send you the dialogue text to record and return (I will do the lip synch process) if I can think of a good mod anytime soon, message me on here if you need to reach me. Goodday.

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are you female or at least do a convincing female voice?

i need someone to do a voice for a companion mod im working on.

id do it myself but my microphone is crap

Edited by orangedemi
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ah so thats out, i also have another mod called 'down a rabbit hole' that needs voices if you want to message me with a clip (mp3 or wav) of you saying "that was before i tossed him into a meat processor' that character is an eccentric deathclaw/human hybrid. so far ive been only having my friends do voice acting but if you want to try out i dont mind.
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Not to hijack the forum or anything, but I too would love an opportunity at voice acting, and I have access to my universities recording studio, since I have a radio show and I rap. As for the girl voice acting part my girlfriend could do it.


PS this is my first forum post, so if I have broken any rules lmk.

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Hello guys,


If you take advices, what would really help you is demo reels. Put up your best performance on an audio file which you'll use to demonstrate the type of role you can act. Put it up somewhere on the net (there are communities for voice actors). When people will ask for samples, link it to them. Personally, if I had to take voice actors, I would ask for someone I'm sure would fit the bill.


Good luck.

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