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How to remove fog from exterior and interior spaces?


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Hello, I've been playing Skyrim for a couple months on my PC (had it on xbox before) and while I've got a nice system the fog both inside and outside always seems to kill my FPS so I've started looking for ways to get rid of it. I've tried all the mods here on the Nexus and looked all over the place for any help but nothing seems to really help. I've tried the Revamped Exterior Fog mod which helped a bit but I'm running Realistic Lighting which says the two are incompatible which worries me and I've also tried the Remove Interior Fog mod which for some reason doesn't work at all and neither fog mod has been updated in quite a while. I've tried looking into a solution using the Creation Kit but I'm a total modding newb and have no clue what I'm doing so my question is: Can anyone show me how to make a mod to push the fog back as much as possible outside as well as get rid of it inside to help my FPS? If I get some help and am successful I'll upload it onto the Nexus for everyone to use!


My specs:

P8P67 motherboard

i5 2500k @ 4.2 ghz

8gb RAM @ 1600 mhz

GTX 570


I've got a ton of texture mods running so I usually get in the 30s FPS range outside but inside I still only get in the 30s and I think it's due to the stupid fog. The Revamped Exterior Fog mod says it pushes the distance that fog starts back but I want to push it back as far as I can and just totally get rid of it inside because it would probably be a big boost to my FPS.

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From the console, type "SetFog 0,0" without the quotes, to turn off all fog. You could also try "SetFog 0,150000" to push the fog back very far.

You'll have to do this every game session as it does not save with your savegame.

Edited by steve40
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  • 9 months later...

From the console, type "SetFog 0,0" without the quotes, to turn off all fog. You could also try "SetFog 0,150000" to push the fog back very far.

You'll have to do this every game session as it does not save with your savegame.

I know it's been almost a year since you posted that, but....I f*#@ING LOVE YOU. It's bizarre how hard a time I'm having finding a way to reduce that damn nonsensical mist without downloading another big mod.

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  • 4 months later...

whaaaaat! i just turned off my game to find a mod that turns of the mod and then i fin this! *big facepalm*

anyway thanks


i actually already knew another trick but that was a little tedious. (open console, click on fog, type disable, press enter, type markfordelete, press enter)


edit: nope, not working :(. resets after closing console. Does the mod "weather of skyrim" has something to do with it?

Edited by terrorofskyrim
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