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Can't control my view. I think it has to do with Deadly Reflex.


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So, I was running through a tower in Oblivion trying to get that quest where you rescue that guy out of the way. When a summon came at me, I bashed it with my shield, knocked it down and finished it off by doing one of those jump-into-the-air-and-stab-the-ground-with-both-hands-on-the-sword moves. Don't ask me how I did it.


Afterwards, I noticed that the HUD wouldn't show up again and I couldn't move the character and he was still crouched down.


So, I decided to load a save that I took before entering the room, and I could move my character, but I couldn't move the crosshair. I couldn't look up, down, turn left or turn right.


I tried disabling Deadly Reflex v5 and even restarted my computer, and it is still stuck.


Is there any way to fix this?

Edited by Glace1221
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