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Stardew Valley

Resetting Game Files Without Wiping the Entire Game?


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So. Long story short, I got a little crazy with the mods. Some were supported by Vortex, others were not. Seeing as how some of my mods were those that changed the texture of furniture by replacing the .xnb file, is there a way to reset textures to vanilla? I may have screwed myself by not creating backup files.


Not really worried about saves, since I'll be started a new file once I get my game set back up, and my multiplayer server always had mods turned off during use.



With a lot of mods being unofficial update from Pathos since the update, should I wait to reset?


EDIT: Deleting the entire mod folder cleared everything (which is what I was hoping to do) but there are some leftover non vanilla bed textures.

Edited by SweetwaterHart
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I think you have to reinstall your game? I mean, unless you saved the old .xnb files, there's no way to restore them. All I did was delete the content folder, uninstall and then reinstall. Never use .xnb files anymore. We have Content Patcher that does that for us, so all you need to do is find compatible versions that will work with CP.

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