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Turning a follower into a flame atronach oncombat help!


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I'm a all new to this, so maybe I am missing something simple. I want my follower to turn into a flame atronach during combat.


Should the value be at default? When I choose autofill, it fills in AtronachFlameRace. Regardless, neither option works.


Is it just not possible?





Scriptname FlameOn extends Actor


Race Property AtronachFlameRace Auto

Race ActorRace


Event OnInit()

ActorRace = GetRace()



Auto State Waiting

Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor actorRef, int combatState)






State Busy

Event OnUpdate()

if (IsInCombat() && GetRace() == ActorRace)


elseif (!IsInCombat() && GetRace() == AtronachFlameRace)












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Have you tried looking at the sheogorath wabbajack quest? In one part you have to change a storm attronach into a fire attronach with the wabbajack - there might be a script around there so you can see how it is done in vanilla
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Curme, what is the problem? I just tried your script on my wifey Jordis and it worked perfectly :thumbsup:

I used autofill to fill the property, btw.


Edit: the Actor form that I added the script to was "HousecarlSolitude".





Edited by steve40
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Curme, what is the problem? I just tried your script on my wifey Jordis and it worked perfectly :thumbsup:

I used autofill to fill the property, btw.


Edit: the Actor form that I added the script to was "HousecarlSolitude".






Thanks for confirming that I am not crazy! :tongue:


It must be a problem with my modded npc. I'm going to fool around with clean saves and see if I can't get it to work. Thanks!

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I got it to work! The problem was I wasn't working with a clean save. A rookie mistake.


I just need to add some spells so she just doesn't do melee, maybe a fancy effect when she changes.


We'll see how that goes!


Thanks for testing it out for me! It helped a lot! :dance:

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Now that it works, how would I add a magic effect before and after the transformation change? I think I need to add Explosion Property ExplosionIllusionDark01 Auto & PlaceAtMe(ExplosionIllusionDark01) if that is correct, where would I put it in the script?
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