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[LE] Papyrus - Applying SetActorValue to ActorBase in an array

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Hello once again,


I'm working on a script to extend magiceffect and right now I have a custom NPC which I am trying to spawn in via papyrus a few of them at once via an array (easy enough), however I'm also trying to adjust several of their AV's but when I try to apply that via the ActorBase it doesn't seem to want to compile. If I turn it into just an Actor it compiles fine.


Anyone have any experience with adjusting ActorValues to an ActorBase as opposed to a reference actor via papyrus?


I guess alternatively if there's no easy means to accomplish that, I can always duplicate the NPC actor to the number I want, and reference them each individually within the script, which I can do, however I wanted to see if there's a means of just adjusting the values on the actorbase itself as sort of a learning experience.


Thanks for any insight as usual, and I hope everyone is doing well.

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useful for understanding of Skyrim object relations: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Category:Script_Objects

"Script children inherit certain qualities from their parents."

Form.psc \-- ActorBase.psc
         \-- ObjectReference.psc \- Actor.psc


"Sets the base value specified actor value on the actor to the passed-in value."

You asked: Has anyone "experience with adjusting ActorValues to an ActorBase as opposed to a reference actor via papyrus?"
As you should found out now, it is impossible to do what you want to reach via papyrus scripting!

Edited by ReDragon2013
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Basically, no. You have to work with actors if you're changing AVs. There are a couple of exceptions depending on what exactly you want to do -- for example, you can change their class at the ActorBase level through SKSE functions, or you can edit the level/class of the actorbase directly in the CK -- but it doesn't sound like that's what you're after.

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Yeah that's pretty much the conclusion I came to before going to bed last night as I am making a spell that brings in multiple NPCs that their skills, health magicka stamina scale based on the player (or caster's) stats.


So I ended up making the individual actor references tossed them in a holding cell and have them disable when not in use and when brought back their stats are updated as necessary. It works it just ended up being a more round about process then what I assumed could of been a bit easier.

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