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Strangely, I'm not the only one who has wanted to basically be iron man in Skyrim: wear the armor, and shoot repulsor blasts out of my hands(though that could be handled simply with magic, it would still be cool to have a laser spell) But I recently came across a page of concept art for avengers armor and realized a mod like this wouldn't necessarily have to be lore-unfriendly, at least not ..all the way. http://io9.com/5923116/in-this-rad-fan-art-the-avengers-get-the-dungeons-and-dragons-treatment?utm_campaign=socialflow_io9_facebook&utm_source=io9_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow These are amazing, and would make amazing armors. So, if anyone with the skills is interested in making any, many, or all of these armors, ...please do.
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