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Object Loading Distance Question


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I am trying to figure out how to get rid of a condition where trees will morph into view when walking towards them and am not sure what setting in Bethini I need to be changing.


In summary, here is what is going on.


If I start at point A and move a certain direction, an entire cluster of trees will morph into existance. If I move back to my exact starting point, A, the trees will stay visible and not disappear. I am trying to get the trees to become visble immediately rather than having to walk towards them.


I do see trees in the distance which are not as dense but I believe those are part of the distant lod that is being displayed.


Hope this makes sense.



Edited by majekillusion
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Quite a few possibilities here. Which tree mods are you using? Are these trees from a particular mod? Maybe post your load order.

Up close trees will be 'full model' at distance they will be 2d models but should still be visible.

However if you have a tree mod that does not have built in LODs such as Alpine Forest of Whiterun or Whiterun Forest Borealis. This will cause trees to not appear as 2d models and only when you get closer as full models.

The way around this is to run either SSELODGen or DynDOLOD to get the 2d models to work at distance.

Some tree mods will even allow you to create full models at distance using the programs I mentioned above.

Edited by QuagaarWarrior
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Quite a few possibilities here. Which tree mods are you using? Are these trees from a particular mod? Maybe post your load order.

Up close trees will be 'full model' at distance they will be 2d models but should still be visible.

However if you have a tree mod that does not have built in LODs such as Alpine Forest of Whiterun or Whiterun Forest Borealis. This will cause trees to not appear as 2d models and only when you get closer as full models.

The way around this is to run either SSELODGen or DynDOLOD to get the 2d models to work at distance.

Some tree mods will even allow you to create full models at distance using the programs I mentioned above.

Thanks for the reply and information. I followed the Nordic Skyrim installation procedure and have yet to run the SSELODGen program. I will give that a try and see if it clears up the problem.



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