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Breton Thief Oriana

Would you bring a knife to a gunfight?  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you bring a knife to a gunfight?

    • Yes; I dont care who dies so I better kill him
    • Yes; My skill with a knife is excellent
    • Yes; Just in case
    • No; The pistol shoots faster than the knife can be thrown
    • Why do I have to go into a gunfight?

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I'll turn into Mister Plod and arrest the lot of you for carrying offensive weapons. These I would have course confiscate, I like to add to my collection. This I house in a confiscated stealth bomber. To ensure that there was no argument I'd be wearing my bullet-proof, knife-proof body armour, complete with visor and carrying my trusty taser.


I do of course accept bribes like all good cops.

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Hrm, I would say both. If the knife can be a throwing knife, then I would use it if I happened to run out of bullets (provided that he has run out as well, and hasn't hit me yet).


But my real answer, or the one that I would prefer, is to not find myself or get myself into a situation where I would have to make such a decision ;)

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Hey, if I was the desperado on the other side, I really wouldnt appreicate being blown to bits. Lets stick with bullets, lead, and only six per gun.


I don't think he'd want lead in him either. At least grenades are quick death.


But if you insist, I'll take my Scoped Moisin Nagant. (Hey, If I only have six bullets, I have to make them count...)


((and I could do the draw thing too! I'd need a cellphone, but I could do it.))

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