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Supreme Magicka Bound Armor Issue


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Bound armor issue,


I just upgraded my SM from .76b to .82 and I used to have bound curias and bound greaves spells that had a duration of 150sec. Now the bound curias shows 80sec on the spell list but the timer only goes for 70sec, and the greaves say 70sec and the timer only runs for 60sec. Did the most recent version change this? (Those spells cost me a ton of gold and I loved the longer duration.)


Also I recently merged a bunch of the SM *.esp files into my bashed patch could this have screwed things up? (I removed them from the bashed patch, but this did not change the problem.)


Also I know a little about modding, what file should I look at, and how do I change the duration or at least get the listed duration and the timer duration to be the same?



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