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Manly Women ?


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I was wondering if anyone had ever notice how Female characters in Oblivion stand like MEN? I mean come on, we make all these awesome sexy looking model but we've never really thought of making that model more sexy by scripting a women 's standing position. You know, bring the legs closer together(maybe have the left foot more in front and the right one behind in an angle), have the arms get closer the the body's hips. It's mostly a big suggestion to whom ever is able to script that kind of thing.
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I was wondering if anyone had ever notice how Female characters in Oblivion stand like MEN? I mean come on, we make all these awesome sexy looking model but we've never really thought of making that model more sexy by scripting a women 's standing position. You know, bring the legs closer together(maybe have the left foot more in front and the right one behind in an angle), have the arms get closer the the body's hips. It's mostly a big suggestion to whom ever is able to script that kind of thing.


Here you go. This is a mod I use, and it works just fine on female companion NPCs. Download your choice of file after reading the Mod Description.


Seductive Idles mod

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