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Combining 2 armor mods, need help.


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I've found two armor mods I rather like.


Some armors from one, some from the other, and I'd like to combine them into my own 1 mod. (for personal use only of course) or even just not even make them a mod, and replace the vanilla armors entirely.


Killer Keos Armor mod


MAK07's Armor mod


Say what you will about my taste, I don't really care :-)


Anyhow. I'd like to use Killer Keo's as a base as most of the armor I like are in that one.


but then I'd like to replace some of those with ones from MAK07's mod.

but looking in the armor meshes and stuff I have no idea what armor is what.. I tried using the creation kit to look, but that didn't help. (either I wasn't looking in the right place or it isn't able to do what I want - likely the former)


specifically the armors I'd like from MAK07's mod are


-Guard armors



-Elven Guilded



-Ancient Nord armor

-Steel Plate



And I'd like the rest from Killer Keo's.


Unfortunately, I have no idea what I'm doing as far as .esp, .esm, Textures, and meshes go.


So if anybody could either post a detailed list of what I need to do to get this working, or even Dl'd the 2 mods and mix and match after above list and send it to me as a zip, that would be great.


I'm not afraid to try this myself if I could get some detailed instructions.. detailed as in:


After installing Killer Keo's armor mod


open MAK07's mod and copy the following files for the armor you want (and paste them over existing)


-Folder "abc" for Guard Armor

-Folder "Dragonsc" for Dragonscale Armor

-Folder "Elven" for Elven Armor

-Folder "Gelven" for Guilded Elven Armor

-Folder "Dwarfs" for Dwarven Armor

-Folder "abc" for Leather Armor

-Folder "123" for Ancient Nord Armor

-Folder "bla" for Steel Plate Armor

-Folder "steel" for Steel Armor


AKA, point me exactly to the folder for each armor.

or group of files as I suspect the stuff I'm looking for is inside other armor folders.. Like full plate steel would be inside the steel armor folder


Elven, Dragonscale, Dwarven, and regular steel is pretty self-explanatory as the folders are called exactly that.

But where do I find Elven Guilded Armor?

Full Steel Plate?

Guard armor?

Ancient Nord armor?


Edited by Aurura
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Leave all the folders alone. For a mod for personal use like this, you do not care if the folder structure is nice and neat. Your files can be scattered all over your computer for all you care. You only care about that when uploading a mod for all the world to scrutinize. So just leave all the meshes and textures where they are at.


This task might surprise you with how easy it is. Open MAK07's Armor mod and Killer Keo's at the same time. You make one active and the other one not active. Your edits will save to the active file. You want the active file to be the mod that is most complete that you just want to make a few changes to. So it sounds like you want MAK07's Armor mod to be active.


You will need to open and copy each individual piece of armor one at a time. You open the piece of armor from the mod that is not active, and change its name. You can just add a single letter or number if you like. Save the piece of armor. The computer will ask if you are changing the name of the item or creating a new one. Select the option to create a new one. Do this for every single piece of armor you want to copy. Save your mod.


To check that everything is okay, load up your mod again without the other armor mod. If you did it right, all the armor will be there and be usable in the mod that you used as your active file.


(If the mod has crafting recipes or leveled lists or chests full of gear, you can copy them from one mod into the other in the very same way.)


Merging content from armor mods like this is real easy. You don't have to mess with a single mesh or texture path.


If you know the in-game name of a piece of armor, you can find it in the CK by opening the entire armor list and clicking the bar on top to sort by name. So if a piece of armor was called "Full Steel Plate" you would just use the alphabetical order to find it in the "F" section.

Edited by David Brasher
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