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Mod suggestions request


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Hello there,


I was thinking to pick up FNV again, but am looking for a different experience. I'm especially looking for an overhaul mod. After a little research, I found about 3 overhaul mods. Project Nevada, FOOK and NVEC. I'm not which one to pick, or if they're compatible with each other.


I guess that if I sink more time into research I could figure it out myself, but frankly, I don't think I have the patience, especially with the weather here and my lack of air conditioning, so any help is appreciated.


I also noticed WMX is popular. Regarding UI, Unified HUD Project looks good and I remember using MTUI.


So, to put is shortly:

1. What overhaul mod should I use?

2. What UI Mod should I use?

3. Is there any vital bug fixing unofficial patch out there worth using?

4. Any good visual improving mod, like a beauty pack or higher resolution texture pack or anything like that?


That should be all for now. I thank anyone who helps me in advance... thank you.


EDIT: Apparently there is a Project Nevada Patches on the Nexus. That should help me.

EDIT: This Recommended mod list Fallout NV is pretty cool, but doesn't discuss compatibility.

Edited by maxravenclaw
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FOOK is likey the least compatible with anything else.

NVEC/PN are likey similar in medium incompatiblity.


PN adds a good deal of new features that are joined togethor nicely.. NVEC is like, some HUGE compilation of a ton of diffrent mods/fixes.


Rather diffrent goals. Might be usable togethor, Might not.


That said, people use FOOK+PN+tons of other mods, Incompatibilitys often just mean that every feature won't work 100%, not that your game is unplayable (Athough you might find the need to disable a mod or two to be able to finish a quest, at times)


That said, Try the mods out in my sig, they are awesome.. :P

Edited by Cyberlazy
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Thank you.

I'll check 'em out. The Vendor Restock and Improved LOD Noise Texture look like something I might be searching for.


EDIT: OK, now I'm not sure what UI mod to use. Any suggestions?


EDIT: No, f**k this. I'm not in the mood to try and understand all this s**t. There's compatibility mods for compatibility mods. I don't know what to install, what conflicts with what, I just don't have the patience for this. I'm going back to Skyim, it has much easier mods to install. Thank you for your help, but I'm dropping New Vegas. Won't replay it. I'll just wait for Dawnguard to appear on PC. Thank you anyways.

Edited by maxravenclaw
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