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Mod reverted my save 10 hours, HELP!


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Okay to start off I am not new to nodding. After the hectic hell this week has been with the mods I'm running and that lovely update this past week. Playing fo4 has been quite difficult. On top of that I recently added some qol mods to my game and then character textures. Well for 5 hours today I spent try to figure out what mod was causing a ctd. Got that figured out and loaded the game save and played for an hour. I decided to add body textures to cbbe and some how when I load the game I'm in the cellar in sanctuary. I was in vault 88. I no longer have a single follower, like I have to refind them. On top of that the 30+ hours I spent in Vault 88 as been reverted back before I did the quests. In fact most of my story quests are re started and I'm lvl 46. Anyone know how to fix this. I work long days and have little time to diagnose this. Thanks!
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No mod has the capability to wipe out the progress of an official DLC or another mod. (Or at the very least it would have to be VERY deliberate and no modder does that, well, nobody competent enough to mod that sort of thing WOULD mod that sort of thing as they'd probably get banned for malicious code.)


My guess is, you deactivated the Vault DLC, saved and reactivated it. Your save is ruined, sorry.

Edited by ToroMontana
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From what I've found is that the Unlimited Settlement Mod that I had installed didnt like something new that I added. I removed the mod and loaded the game. I loaded the save I wanted and it was still broken. I decided to load a save that was 30 min prior to that save and everything loaded correctly and it seems my vault is exactly how I left it. I had to get off the computer for the night cause i have work in the morning but I'll be sure to thoroughly check the save after work tomorrow.
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Just for future reference, this sort of things happen to me A LOT, because I am constantly tinkering with my mods and my load order. I would suggest doing a hard save BEFORE exiting the game. The problem with the exit save is that it is corrupted the second you get back on and your game has a problem - it is gone and the game will make a new exitsave from the broken game... which is what happened to you. I also have my game auto-quicksave every ten minutes, because I have a bad habit of deleting stuff that shouldn't have been deleted. LOL


When one insists on being an idiot (I am talking about myself), then one can at least prepare for the inevitable. :wink:


I really hope everything is fine with your game. Modding F4 has become akin to learning how to pet baby electric eels.

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Lol I agree, I learned a hard lesson while modding skyrim so I never rely on the exit save. I had save and quick save a lot. It wasnt the exit save that was corrupt it was 2 hard saves. I had to go back to a further hard save for some reason. Now that being said does anyone know of a good settlement budget fix that isn't malicious?
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Okay I think I've narrowed part of my problem down. When I go to load a prior save file it says the Vault 88.esl is missing and I cant figure out where it's from. The other issue is that the second I go into a zone such as entering or exiting a building it restarts several mod and vanilla missions.
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