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Can anyone salvage this save?


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It all started out during the quest "The Way of the Voice." I was unable to even advance to the first stage of the quest. The first objective is "Speak to the Greybeards." The objective marker was above the guy's head, but I couldn't initiate any dialog whatsoever. I ended up trying to use the setstage command, and I accidentally skipped a few stages. After not noticing it for a bit, it has come back to bite me. I uploaded two saves. The first is before I tried fixing it with the console, the second is as much progress I could get to it being normal again.


I'm 9 hours into this play through, so it's not a huge tragedy if I'm doomed to a buggy main quest line. I know there is someone out there that will know how to fix this. Thanks for any help or input.



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