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is ther commmand to transfer npc to another locasion


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Eh i got bug on 1 quest: Skyrim:Silver Lining



Problem is that stupit Endon is oustide map (under water lol). Duno why i locate him with command movetoqt id. First he was in the sky lol i was interact so quest go on, we fly to water -.-. I have now fiinish quest but now he is in water and i cant interact with him now!




Is posible to move endon to another locasion with comands?

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@Mrtvacina, i'd strongly recommend you never ever use the 'player.placeatme <RefID>' console command with

unique named NPC's (like Endon) because 'placeatme' actually directs Skyrim to spawn a duplicate object.


Proper way to teleport an NPC to your location is:

PRID <RefID> <enter>



Endon's RefID is 000198F1 (never use the BaseID).


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