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Mod that issues a single command that forces all companions wait at the same time?


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Hi, my first post and topic here, hopefully I won't screw it up somehow. lol


I have been using the Nexus for some months now and I am fairly new to PC gaming and have been having a blast modding and all with the successes and failures and that.


Recently while playing New Vegas I became aware that having all my companions behind me, killing everything that moves, was taking the fun away from the gameplay.


The thing however is that I like them around, I just don't like them making me feel like we are in a contest of "who gets to kill the enemies faster" which they often win.


I have seen some companion mods for New Vegas and read the descriptions of those cool mods, but I haven't found one that seems to include what I would like to do which is issue a single command that makes all the followers wait at the same time, just like that.


I have seen mods that make accessing each companion easier and makes telling them to wait easier, but it is still a situation of choosing the 6 companions I have one by one every single time which is not practical. :sad:


I want to go and say to my followers: "Wait here, I am going solo on this right here" and then they all wait.


So, I was thinking that yes you guys have been around modding Fallout New Vegas more than I have and maybe there is already a mod that does this "All Companions Wait" command and that I just simply happen not to have stumbled across it in my failed searches. :sad:

Please let me know if you know of such a mod. :smile: If it doesn't exist then I suppose it's time to dismiss most of my party. :sad: Can't be helped I guess.


Thanks for reading if you got this far into my post lol and helping if you can. :smile:


EDIT: And just like that, I screwed up the post title. lmao

Edited by BlasterMasterCaster
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What you want is the mod "JIP Companions Command & Control (JIP CC&C)". It can send a "Wait" to all registered companions (even ones added by mods). If they aren't with you in the same cell, you will see some messages to the effect "<so-an-so> is not in the same cell", but nothing adverse occurs. That companion is just out of range of the command and unable to respond to the instruction. It applies to other commands as well such as "be passive/aggressive", etc. Works great and I use it all the time for exactly the purpose you want.


Be sure you have to correct minimum versions (or later) of NVSE and the "JIP LN NVSE" plugin installed.



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What you want is the mod "JIP Companions Command & Control (JIP CC&C)". It can send a "Wait" to all registered companions (even ones added by mods). If they aren't with you in the same cell, you will see some messages to the effect "<so-an-so> is not in the same cell", but nothing adverse occurs. That companion is just out of range of the command and unable to respond to the instruction. It applies to other commands as well such as "be passive/aggressive", etc. Works great and I use it all the time for exactly the purpose you want.


Be sure you have to correct minimum versions (or later) of NVSE and the "JIP LN NVSE" plugin installed.




Thanks a lot Dubious! Would you believe me if I tell you that yesterday I was checking this mod and saw how awesome it was but didn't realize it indeed had that "All Companions Wait" command. lol I even watched a tutorial in YouTube for this very mod but since it didn't mention the feature I thought it was likely it didn't have it...


Actually, seeing how awesome this mod was and thinking it didn't have said feature made me decide to create this very topic, I was like: "If a mod like this doesn't have the feature then I guess if there is a mod with the feature it must be very hidden, let's ask the people from the Nexus because someone may have stumbled across such an obscure mod" lol


But I was wrong, it indeed has the command.


I installed the mod (I was afraid it would have a conflict with this other mod I have installed: Unlimited Followers Everywhere, but so far no problems) and it indeed made the trick.


I hotkeyed the key " = " and now I can tell them to wait with a single press, exactly what I was looking for! :D


I had a weird problem though, when I was configuring the mod the Game Menu glitched and I could only select the Mod Configuration Menu and could not click on the Save, Load, or Quite game options, the options were darkened and would blink when I clicked on them but would not function.


I had to force close the game and start it again. So far the problem has not occurred again.


Anyways Dubious, thank you for being so helpful! This will make make gameplay so much better without having to dismiss my squad. :smile:

Edited by BlasterMasterCaster
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All video tutorials are not equal, and seldom cover every single thing in a mod. They can be useful to indicate if you wish to dig further into it. The "comments" tab on the Nexus download page is often a good supplement to the description in addition to highlighting any problems.


Re: Your "game glitch". If it should appear again, please check out the wiki "HUD-UI-Menu issues" article. But problems with potential key binding conflicts are to be expected when first configuring a mod. Restarting the game session (exit to the desktop and then reload the game) is the acid test.


Happy gaming.



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All video tutorials are not equal, and seldom cover every single thing in a mod. They can be useful to indicate if you wish to dig further into it. The "comments" tab on the Nexus download page is often a good supplement to the description in addition to highlighting any problems.


Re: Your "game glitch". If it should appear again, please check out the wiki "HUD-UI-Menu issues" article. But problems with potential key binding conflicts are to be expected when first configuring a mod. Restarting the game session (exit to the desktop and then reload the game) is the acid test.


Happy gaming.




Yes, I all that makes sense and thanks for the link, it may help in the future. Thanks!

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