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Can't delete or find "Colossal Black Soul Gem"

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The game won't find or delete it. I'm baffled. Unless, I can find a fix. I'll have to leave the bug in the my mod release. If I try to delete Azura's star instead, it works. I checked, no quest flag or syntax errors. This type of loop find it, but will not delete it.




;if pInvObj == Mg17BlackSoulGemFilled, fails

;if pInvObj.GetBaseObject == Mg17BlackSoulGemFilled, fails

;if player.GetItemCount Mg17BlackSoulGemFilled != 0, fails

if GetStage ALVQSancturaryCH1 == 25

set pCont to Player ;get access to player's inv

foreach pInvObj <- pCont

if pInvObj.CompareName "Colossal Black Soul Gem"

Player.RemoveItem pInvObj 1

SetStage ALVQSancturaryCH1 30

loop ; now that loop has terminated, pInvObj has been set to null (0)





Edited by Lord Valarian
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Okay, I don't know much about obse or how it works, but it looks here like you have a loop which is supposed to remove as many objects called "pInvObj" as there are in the player's inventory. Why are you setting all this complex code up for a simple removeitem function? You say the script works for Azura's Star. Is this because the star is no longer a quest item? Have you tried looking to see if the CS made a dirty edit for the Colossul Black Soul Gem? I have had the CS mess with my mods before.


I would run this with a simple, vanilla script. It doesn't seem like it would be harder than doing this:


if GetStage ALVQSancturaryCH1 == 25
if player.getitemcount MG17MiscBlackSoulGem > 0
Player.RemoveItem MG17MiscBlackSoulGem 1
SetStage ALVQSancturaryCH1 30


This will run only once if the player has the item MG17MiscBlackSoulGem. Also note that this script uses the Misc Item instead of Mg17BlackSoulGem, which is an actual soul gem. You might try to make sure you are calling the proper ref.





Thanks for posting something which makes me reach outside my comfort zone. I have avoided learning obse as many users won't d/l a mod if it uses it. I should start to get comfortable with it however. Thanks for allowing me to expand my horizon.

Edited by theuseless
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Okay, I don't know much about obse or how it works, but it looks here like you have a loop which is supposed to remove as many objects called "pInvObj" as there are in the player's inventory. Why are you setting all this complex code up for a simple removeitem function? You say the script works for Azura's Star. Is this because the star is no longer a quest item? Have you tried looking to see if the CS made a dirty edit for the Colossul Black Soul Gem? I have had the CS mess with my mods before.


player.removeitem MG17MiscBlackSoulGem 1 ;Doesn't work. I'v already tried it.


I need to delete it after the mage's guild quest is complete. At that point, it has no quest flag.


Thanks for posting something which makes me reach outside my comfort zone. I have avoided learning obse as many users won't d/l a mod if it uses it. I should start to get comfortable with it however. Thanks for allowing me to expand my horizon.


I thought that too. Once I downloaded it, it was easy to install. I download a few of them requiring it. They add great stuff to oblivion. It has lots of handy features, but has some bugs. PrintC "%%" won't print '%'. Has arrays, but lacks some basic functions like variables in an array index. I'm having to do a item sort without an array. Try doing a sort only adding to another container. Hard doesn't begin to cover it. Saving the reference for one item in container to change it outside the loop isn't possible.(Yes, the array is setup right. The statement fails.)


Let temp1[invIndex] := InvIndex ;expression fails to yield a valid result.


I'm working on another solution. :P

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