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Skyrim Guard Shields


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I want to make an image of a custom guard shield. I used photoshop to remove the bear from the windhelm shield, and made it a fun color. I used illustrator to draw a cool animal for my shield, but now I'm having trouble with making it look weathered on to the shield. Right now the shield has a nice worn in look, but the animal is monotone, and doesn't really blend well. Could someone maybe help me with making the animal part look worn on to the shield?
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@PonchoSam, hi, if you look closely at the comparison shield images (old/new/worn) from these mods:

Detailed Guard Shields and Banners by Dragten - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1916

Hvergelmirs Shield Retexture - HSR by Hvergelmir - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/7045

Mega Shields by TheMalfazar - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19009

GAME OF THRONES - House shields by P3dr0 aka Issae - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13663

Shield Symbols for Redguard Knightly Orders by Posh Spaz - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16694

you'll notice the modders effectively using airbrushing, blending, multiple texture layers, small details, and photoshop plugins to

create texture images with authentic looking worn appearances, weathering, and embossed depth.

As far as I can tell the modders are making these creations by hand and maybe borrowing certain images for retexturing lol.




Edited by xlcr
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Oh my god, the last shield is awesome! :woot: The shield come with some mod? Because i never see the shield in the game.If is, then tell me the name of the mod.


Edit:Oh, and the Shield with a image of a Dragon its awesome too.

Edited by Dovahkiin069
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@Dovahkiin069, lol, agreed the modder has a good eye for certain images to use for shields,

Mega Shields by TheMalfazar - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19009

modder is currently working on a more lore friendly collection at this time.

(i still equip my player/followers with modifed darkened Spellbreaker zero-weight resized shields lol).


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