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Miserith Hall a Player Home in The Reach. [wip]


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Most of the original external navmesh... if not all... was probably done with an auto mode... given the size of Skyrim that's not a criticism on them :wink:

Having done it all by hand I could make choices that no auto mode could...


I will of course as I add in other elements to the exterior have to cut some holes in it :D

Edited by The-Wanderer
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What would be a great help right now is if a couple of you "very nice" players would PM me for a link to download (from dropbox) an early pre-beta release and just have a quick run around the area exterior and interiors and see if you can find anything wrong and let me know http://storage.proboards.com/forum/images/smiley/smiley.png


The only reason to contact me first is so I know how many of you nice people are looking at this for me http://storage.proboards.com/forum/images/smiley/wink.png
All you need to do is make sure you have a good save then load in this mod go in game and have a look around, when done exit game (don't save, there will be a few auto save though) unload this mod and the next time you play start from your good save.
Then let me know anything you found.



This version is what the final upgraded fort will look like...


What I'm hoping to do with this mod is have a small quest/action required to gain ownership.
Then to have a few quest/actions required to upgrade the fort.
Maybe with a couple of different styles... General Character, Vampire... umm...

Most of the furniture is in place... but not all... very little clutter has been added yet.

Exterior and Interiors are navmeshed.

The Display Hall will not be navmeshed ever - Followers not welcome http://storage.proboards.com/forum/images/smiley/grin.png

It also means the mannequins can't move!!!


All DLC's

General Stores - Auto Sorting Cloud Storage Resource for packrats SE Convert

General Displays SE with working Collectorsbox
General Display DG
General Display DB

Everything at present is standard Skyrim SE content... except GS and GD stuff... I think http://storage.proboards.com/forum/images/smiley/wink.png



There is a map marker. (Miserith Hall)



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I'm sure that Miserith Hall is now all set up for spouse and upto 6 adopted children... Just need to get it tested out now ;)





Yes... :dance:



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A bit by way of a backstory for the Miserith Hall


Duke Letios and Lady Jessica owned Miserith Hall and protected it with a small mercenary army.
Lady Jessica and and their daughter Regent Alisa where killed while on their way to Whiterun for a shopping trip.
Duke Letios was so distraught he started drinking and gambling loosing most of his wealth... one by one his staff and guards left and the fort was left undefended it then soon became overrun by the Forsworn
Duke Letios was killed during that takeover.
Players can find out about this through dialogue with some of the locals.... or read it here :D
If player speaks to the Jarl they will be told that he will give the fort to anyone who can clear out the Forsworn.
Player can clear fort before or after speaking to the Jarl.
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Setting this up for the initial stage with the forsworn is going to be a pain for the great hall/private quarters/bedrooms/armoury as all are in one interior cell...

The exterior may not be that easy either...


The Tavern, Blacksmith and Bunk House are separate cells so was easy... on upgrade will just switch doors :smile:

The Display Hall won't be in the initial stage so nothing to do there.

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You can furnish the rooms with what you want for the player, batch assign it all to the enable marker, keep it selected and hit the 1 key twice, to make it vanish. Then furnish the way you want for the forsworn, batch assign the enable marker, etc. You may need to hit f5 and select it all together, though, to hide it for any subsequent furnishings.

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