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Problem with vampirism cure


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So, i had the Belua Sanguinare mod and unistalled it. Then i found i still was a vanilla vampire so I did the quest to cure it. But the problem is I STILL have the Resist Disease and Poison effects... and they say your vampiric blood etc.. So why that? My concern is that maybe this makes me impossible to become vampire in the DLC when its released for pc
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Did you follow the BSR uninstallation instructions? They are...extensive. Check the manual if you haven't already (it came with the download).


Incidentally, what caused you to uninstall? Not that you weren't right to do so, but I want to know issues with the mod so I may improve it :D

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Yes, I followed the instructions to the letter. Now I'm not a vampire technically but I still have the resist diseases and poison and my skin is still pale and my eyes red. But the sun doesnt hurt me and I dont have any other vampire thing. Its extrange.

I uninstalled it in preparation for the Dawnguard DLC, as I wanna try the new vampire. I did enjoyed Belua.

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That is strange. Try using the console command to get rid of vampirism, or just go to showracemenu and manually reset your race. Glad to hear it wasn't from the mod being bad that caused an uninstall! Although you may be interested to know that we are hard at work to smooth out the DG transition and adding in the vampire lord.
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