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F4SE_loader.exe blocks all [Save files] from saving on drive.


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Yesterday I've decided to play Fallout 4 after long break. Due all my mods, NMM and F4SE being out of date I went ahead and made clean install from scratch and redownloaded the game after deleting everything.


Everything worked fine and I even made some test save files at early game start for modding puposes. However as soon as I hooked F4SE to Mod Organizer 2 I noticed the game was showing fake save file placeholders in menu, while the actual files weren't stored on the drive itself. After restarting F4 the menu placeholders vanish as well, only the original vanilla saves were visible and working.


My setup:

Steam - F4 with Season Pass

Windows 7

16GB Ram / i7-4790k / GTX 980ti

Mod Organizer 2 - virtual mod folder in separate location on same drive

Game ver.

F4SE_0_06_15 executable and scripts installed in the root game folder



What I have tried so far:

-Disable antivirus and add exclusions

-Enable all security rights for all the .exe and .dll files

-Try to make the folders non read-only

-Run all the .exe's in Win7 compability mode

-Change MO2 save file storage location from documents/my games/... to MO2 profile folder

-Launch F4SE_loader.exe from F4 root folder (still not saving)

-Launch the game with Fallout4.exe from root folder (saves normally in documents/my games/...)

-Launch the game from MO2 with Fallout4.exe (saves normally under profile folder)

-Downgrade to F4SE_0_06_14 for (still not saving)



At this point I really don't know what else I should try. Did anyone have similar problem in the past? Or did silverlock.org post any additional requirement for F4SE that I'm not aware of? The only thing I noticed is that the latest update was releated to save crash fix. Still I'm not sure if it's releated to my issue or not.

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I've been trying to get this to work for three days now. I had one good run this morning - it actually loaded a save correctly, but then after that it kept doing the same thing ('forgetting' all the saved data from mods).


I am starting to think it is bad version of F4SE again. The one good save I managed to get was right after a new install of everything F4SE, and when I loaded the save it didn't give me the endless procession of quests like I'd been getting. I thought it was finally fixed, and then the next time I went to load a save it was back to not being able to retrieve any of the saved quest data.


So it 'played nice' just one time (unless that was a fluke), and then after F4SE got to run again, the save was ruined once again. I'm at my wits end with this one - I really thought I had it today.

EDIT: Okay, I reinstalled F4SE yet again, from scratch (deleted all old files). Once again, I thought I had fixed it - quest/mod data was still there the next time I loaded a save. HOWEVER. the NEXT time I loaded a save, it was all gone again. So the F4SE works JUST ONE TIME and then craps out - I think we are getting closer to a solution here. And of you mod-savvy code-monkeys can logic-out whats going on there? BTW, I found that some of my folders had reset to 'read only' again, so it being a Windows problem is not out of the question at this point. PLEASE PLease please respond to this - I feel this is major clue to whats happening!


I even tried starting a new game... AGAIN. Like the tenth one in three days. I thought that would do the trick, but nada. Instead I got this weirdness -





At least I'm not alone anymore. She doesn't speak - kind of like a frozen zombie. She does move, however (idle animations).

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I see you also use MM2. That could also be a clue. perhaps the f4SE team only optimized the new update for NMM and are unaware its not working with MM2?


If I start F4SE through MM2 it doesn't save my mod/quest data.


If I start F4SE directly, it saves just fine any mod/quest data THAT WASN'T INSTALLED THROUGH MM2. I noticed this last time (when it actually loaded the save fine) that the only mods that were showing up with the CC stuff and the few mods I got off Beth.net. Nothing I got from Nexus via MM2 showed up - it was like they weren't even there. So stuff downloaded from Bethesda.com will show up from save to save, so long as I don't try to start the game through MM2. Once I do that, EVERYTHING disappears (even my eyeballs... no... seriously...)


Logical progression: start through MM2 and it doesn't save anything. Start directly through F4SE and it only saves stuff that isn't connected to MM2.


Conclusion: F4SE (newest version) and MM2 don't like each other for some reason. That has to be it - I am all out of things I can do here.


Out of curiosity BlackRoseOfThorns, do you happen to be running LooksMenu in any form? I've seen both that and Scrap Everything getting blamed (SE won't work at all for me any more), but I've tried disabling and even deleting both, to no avail. It seems that may have fixed the issue for a select few.

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Logical progression: start through MM2 and it doesn't save anything. Start directly through F4SE and it only saves stuff that isn't connected to MM2.


Conclusion: F4SE (newest version) and MM2 don't like each other for some reason. That has to be it - I am all out of things I can do here.


Out of curiosity BlackRoseOfThorns, do you happen to be running LooksMenu in any form? I've seen both that and Scrap Everything getting blamed (SE won't work at all for me any more), but I've tried disabling and even deleting both, to no avail. It seems that may have fixed the issue for a select few.


I have already tried to run F4SE directly (not through MO2) with only ENB installed and nothing else. The problem still remains, so it's most likely not ralated to MO2.


The funny thing is durring the gameplay I can see and even load the fresh saves made while running F4SE (they must stay somewhere in the game memory or temp file), but they don't save on the drive at all and disappear ingame as well after restarting Fallout4.

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  • 1 year later...

04/2020 and i have a similar problem. Except i can actualy make a good save if i keep alternating quick save for survival mod and the save as autosave from survival options mod,same for sleeping. Basicaly i have to insist to save and win by making the bug bored of preventing it.

I noticed the game alternates every save attempt on making a save file with .f4se and .fos extentions, the only files the games is able to load are the ones with .FOS extention, these are 14Mb files or so, the .f4se ones are 13k more or less.

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