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Packaging Scripts


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Hello again


Can some body give me some instructions on how to package scripts and exporting it with the mod? Players trying out the mod have reported issues with the mod not working, opening the mod up at another computer the script was lost and instead read 'CODE COULD NOT BE READ etc', to be more specific they're actually papyrus fragments used within quests...


Thank you

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Hmm how are they named? Are they named after the scripts I've created? If so I can't find them.


I didn't create the scripts though, as in I didn't go to the CK and specifically created a script, these scripts were added as papyrus fragments attached to quests I hope I'm making sense, I'm bad at explaining stuff...

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Fragments are simply part of scripts attached to another script.


If they are all quest fragments, you can see all of them if you go in your quest ---> scripts. You can se a QFxxxxxxxxxx. If you click edit source you can see there all your fragments.


Dialogue fragments don't have a big script that gathers them.


By the way, answering to your question, the source version of your compiled script has exactly the same name. The only dfference is the extension, PSC for source, PEX for compiled.


Among your PEX scripts you can see a number of QFxxxxxxxx wich are the quest fragments, while the TIFxxxxxx are dialogue fragments, and SFxxxxx are scene fragments.

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Thanks! That helps a lot! I have a fairely good idea what to do now! Many thanks again...


EDIT: Hey Is it ok if you help me again? Packaging the scripts used by the mod into a bsa doesnt seem to work still on other computers, im going to try an unpackaged version so hopefully itll work.

Edited by ScannerLegend
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