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Pre-war Chinese faction? Great war campaign 2077


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I'm looking to wage some pre-war battles between Chinese and U.S. military forces via console command. I can spawn U.S. military units like the ones that guard Vault 111 in the intro. However, there don't seem to be any Chinese factions or mods that add them. I'd like a Chinese faction armed with officer swords, Chinese assault rifles, Chinese commando outfits, stealth suits, etc. For someone more ambitious, a quest replaying the pre-war campaign would be epic. It could have a new world space, like the Gobi Desert, South Korea, or Japan and let you join either the U.S. or Chinese forces.


This is an under explored and under utilized area of the Fallout lore, outside of Operation Anchorage DLC it hasn't been touched

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You can spawn those poor bastards in the Yangtze, but they're all ghouls so thats not really the same thing.


Unless you did some cheesy 'time travel' thing (I've seen one with Hitler), I'm not sure how to incorporate it without it completely breaking immersion.


F4 is on the East Coast, otherwise a 'trip to Hawaii' would be a perfect spot for some conflict with those factions. Who knows? Maybe they ARE still shooting it out there. The movie The Philadelphia Experiment put a time-portal right near Hawaii, so the plot is doable if you went that route - maybe Hawaii could be 'stuck in the past' and the war rages on eternally.

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