sloejack Posted December 12, 2018 Share Posted December 12, 2018 Having recently gotten into making quality of life adjustments using mods I'm curious about the differences in:SResourceArchiveList2sResourceArchive2ListsResourceIndexFileList does it matter which ones have the ba2 files listed in them? Here's what mine currently looks like as my point of reference: [Archive] SResourceArchiveList2 = SeventySix - Animations.ba2, SeventySix - EnlightenInteriors.ba2, SeventySix - GeneratedTextures.ba2, SeventySix - EnlightenExteriors01.ba2, SeventySix - EnlightenExteriors02.ba2, BetterInventory.ba2, Glow.ba2, Glowing Screws.ba2, Glowing Holotape.ba2, BagGlow.ba2 sResourceIndexFileList=SeventySix - Textures01.ba2, SeventySix - Textures02.ba2, SeventySix - Textures03.ba2, SeventySix - Textures04.ba2, SeventySix - Textures05.ba2, SeventySix - Textures06.ba2, UHDmap.ba2 sResourceArchive2List = SeventySix - ATX_Main.ba2, SeventySix - ATX_Textures.ba2, MapVendors.ba2, PerkLoadoutManager.ba2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sloejack Posted December 12, 2018 Author Share Posted December 12, 2018 In case any one else comes across this - it seems a few weeks ago the trend was to use sResourceArchiveList2 but has shifted to sResourceArchive2List. Both seem to serve the same function but I ended up moving my mods to the ..2List and removing the line for ...List2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PUNJISTICKgg Posted December 15, 2018 Share Posted December 15, 2018 I tried every combo of how you've listed everything above, and my atom shop items are still showing up invisible as long as I have [archive] listing ANY mods at all. Any solution? This is what mine looks like currently: [Controls] fMouseHeadingXScale = .021 fMouseHeadingYScale = .03738 bMouseAcceleration=0 [Archive] SResourceArchive2List = SeventySix - Animations.ba2, SeventySix - EnlightenInteriors.ba2, SeventySix - GeneratedTextures.ba2, SeventySix - EnlightenExteriors01.ba2, SeventySix - EnlightenExteriors02.ba2, SeventySix - Textures01.ba2, SeventySix - Textures02.ba2, SeventySix - Textures03.ba2, SeventySix - Textures04.ba2, SeventySix - Textures05.ba2, SeventySix - Textures06.ba2, ATX_Main.ba2, SeventySix - ATX_Textures.ba2, Glow.ba2, ModernScopes.ba2, BagGlow.ba2, BobbleGlow.ba2, CapsTin.ba2, Recon Scope to Rifle Scope Mesh Replacer.ba2, PerkLoadoutManager.ba2Do I keep some in the IndexFileList? Is there something else I need to do? This has been happening since the Dec 11 patch for me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sloejack Posted December 15, 2018 Author Share Posted December 15, 2018 (edited) I am in no way an expert or even truly knowledgeable about how the configuration files work. I have 3 mods that I use at the moment, one is the High contrast map UHDmap.ba2, the Perk Loadout manager PerkLoadoutManager.ba2, and better inventory BetterInventory.ba2. If I wasn't using any mods the [Archive] section wouldn't exist. I don't have the issue you're describing so for what it's worth, here is my Fallout76Custom.ini: [Display] bFull Screen=1 bFullScreen=1 bBorderless=0 fDefault1stPersonFOV=90.00 fDefaultWorldFOV=90.00 fDOFBlendRatio=0 fDOFMinFocalCoefDist=999999 fDOFMaxFocalCoefDist=99999999 fDOFDynamicFarRange=99999999 fDOFCenterWeightInt=0 fDOFFarDistance=99999999 sAntiAliasing=FXAA [ImageSpace] bDoDepthOfField=0 bDoRadialBlur=0 iRadialBlurLevel=0 bMBEnable=0 bLensFlare=0 bScreenSpaceBokeh=0 bDynamicDepthOfField=0 [SaveGame] fAutosaveEveryXMins=2.0000 [Controls] fMouseHeadingXScale = .021 fMouseHeadingYScale = .03738 bMouseAcceleration=0 [Grass] iMinGrassSize=1 bAllowCreateGrass=0 [Pipboy] fQuickBoyEffectColorR=0.5000 fQuickBoyEffectColorG=0.0000 fQuickBoyEffectColorB=1.0000 [Archive] sResourceIndexFileList = SeventySix - Textures01.ba2, SeventySix - Textures02.ba2, SeventySix - Textures03.ba2, SeventySix - Textures04.ba2, SeventySix - Textures05.ba2, SeventySix - Textures06.ba2, UHDmap.ba2 sResourceArchive2List = SeventySix - ATX_Main.ba2, SeventySix - ATX_Textures.ba2, BetterInventory.ba2, PerkLoadoutManager.ba2 Edited December 15, 2018 by sloejack Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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