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What's the best follower mod, that doesn't make followers over


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I wanted to have a low level follower like eola with me, I wanted a follower that raises the dead while summoning, and actually staying around my level.


Is there a mod that lets me teach spells to followers, without it killing their AI? A mod that properly sets their stats to something that can be considered balanced? (talking about the level 30 followers and w.e)

Lastly is there one that lets me set the perks for my follower? I'm using skyrimre..



Also is there any way to make followers drink all the health pots/stamina/magicka pots I give it?

Or maybe even use poisons/recharge its weapon?

Edited by nagasumii
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Amazing Follower Tweaks


Companions level with you, you can sellect their combat style (Magic only/Wepons only and what type/Mix of the 2).

You can select 3 spells they use always and at what points (HP lvl) they use them and you can teach them whatever spells you know. AFT also has several other very handy features like "make camp", "round up my horses/followers", and many more.

I also recommend "Convenient Horses".


WARNING: Every follower I've used has been pretty kickass when allowed to grow with whatever equipment I can provide.

Edited by edclist
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