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ESP/ESM struggle when making a patch


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I wanted to tweak a few features of someone else's mod and as I've seen some requests for such tweaks in the mod's discussion, I figured I won't be selfish and instead of simply editing the actual mod for myself, I will make a patch for it so I can share with others.

I've never made a patch before and I ran into an issue I was unable to solve myslef. Creation Kit apparently won't accept ESP files as a master. A common recommended workaround I've seen around was flagging it as ESM in FO4Edit and after making the patch, removing that flag again. Well the problem is, the current version of CK apparently doesn't care about the ESM flag anymore, only checking for the file extension.

I've tried changing the mod's extension to .esm, creating the patch. Tested it, and it worked fine. However, when I changed the extension back to .esp, the patch no longer recognized that file as its master. So I tried a different route. I created the patch in CK using the original mod, saved it and due to CK stupid workings it contained no master data. So I went into FO4Edit and added the original mod as a master, thinking it would now work. But no, even though the patch seemed to take that file as a master, none of the changes would appear once I tested it in the game (yes, the load order was correct).

So now what?

How on Earth shall I make that patch?

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I would recommend using Fo4Edit. Copy some record, any record of the mod you want to patch into a new esp using Copy as override. Once done, the Esp you copied from is the master of the patch.


I have made dozens of patches and never once used Creation Kit. If you want to apply scripting maybe CK is better option. But for patches, just watch some youtube on Fo4edit.


This is for TES5Edit, but it is exactly the same for FO4Edit. its basically the same program, know as XEdit. Edited by Guest
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My workflow for doing a patch in the CK is this:

-make copy of mod ESP to patch

-open copy in xEdit: change header flag to ESM

-close xEdit

-rename copy to ModName.esm

-CK now recognizes and loads the mod as master

-make patch. Save and close

-open patch in xEdit

-change dependency in patch header from ModName.esm to ModName.esp


This method has been working for me for about a year now.

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My workflow for doing a patch in the CK is this:

-make copy of mod ESP to patch

-open copy in xEdit: change header flag to ESM

-close xEdit

-rename copy to ModName.esm

-CK now recognizes and loads the mod as master

-make patch. Save and close

-open patch in xEdit

-change dependency in patch header from ModName.esm to ModName.esp


This method has been working for me for about a year now.

How do you change dependency? I've only seen "add master" so far, but how to remove the old one? If you could give me step-by-step instructions for dummies, that would be great :) Sorry, I always used CK and this whole xEdit is very new to me.

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There's not much to changing a dependency. I don't currently have any plugins that have ESPs as dependencies to load for a good tutorial, so I grabbed one that uses ESM masters just to show you where to navigate.


-Open up the patch in FO4Edit (xEdit)

-Navigate to the header section

-Slowly double click on ModName.ESM to be changed (I have ArmorKeywords.esm highlighted in my example)

-You'll get the typical "Are you REEEEAAAALLY sure?" prompt. Click "Yes! Let me get to work FFS"

-Then you can edit the name, change ESM to ESP

-Close and save

-Your mod manager will now look for ModName.esp as the dependency.

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