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LoinCloth for females?


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let's face it, even though I don't really care about nudity when you strip opponents of all clothing/armor they all appear in underwear


Personnally I was pleasantly surprised by the males underwear (the loincloth) seems like it fits

and in comparison I find the default female underwear to be kinda lacking


so I was wondering whether there was a mod out there to have Loincloth for females,

preferably without any bra since I think females of the medieval erra didn't wear any.. rather they had linen or coton shirts to hide their chest... or sometimes corsets for upper classes



Edited by whismerhill
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  • 7 months later...
I agree all though many of the body mods change these directly so you couldn't easily use them alongside body mods. But they do seem really modern compared to the male counter part, I'm not sure about the no bra thing but something a little more nordic or strictly medevil medieval would stop throwing me through a lore loop whenever I collect a piece of armor to smelt later and there is a really modern set of underwear beneath that rusty iron armor.
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