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Help! Mod to remove the No-Menu feature


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Its really f***ing annoying to be locked out of menu, and a curse be upon whoever decided to include that feature in gaming.


My damn game froze me out of menu on my game, because of that fking Waking Nightmare quest that kept forcing me to the Dreamwalk crap, even though I already beat the quest. I have to COC out, because like I said I already beat it so the friggin thing wont let me out on its own. But when I do, the damn thing locks me out of menu because of that stupid No-Menu feature.



Can someone mod the game to completely remove that stupid thing? Instead of locking you out, show a message at the top of the screen or something that you can chose to remove and removes on its own when the normal lock would go away, or no message at all would be fine.

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