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Skyrim Need A Horror MOD.


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I played the horror mod from Morrowind, and it was a blast. It was a long, disturbing, horror mod that actually had me scared. It was a true thriller filled with powerful creatures to fight, scary and disturbing sounds, a feeling of creepiness, mysteries, and qoutes/dialogue that really messes with your mind. http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=2526

It scared me, and it also touched my heart with some ver dark grimy sad events.



Skyrim would be perfect to make a HORROR quest mod with!

Skyrim has amazing graphics and sound effects already in it, along with very dynamic lighting that can be used to set the mood. The scripting in Skyrim allows for a lot more functions than the scripting in morrowind. Skyrim also has some already creepy creatures than can be edited. Plus the quest system is pretty good to. The only thing Skyrim lacks is the gore that Fallout had.


Features to make a scary mod:

1 No music at all in cetain areas (creepy silence)

2 sudden loud sounds

3 scary screams, ghost sounds, and moans for help

4 lots of gore and blood

5 dim lighting

6 good fps

7 difficult fights

8 deep and disturbing qoutes/dialogue

9 mysteries and never knowing what is about to happen next

10 creepy ambient sounds

11 sad disturbing scenes

12 undead creatures

13 a disturbing background story


Will somebody make a horror mod for Skyrim, or show me a link to one that is already made?

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I did some unintentional digging around in the quests and adventures category on the Nexus and found a few horror themed mods you might want to check out (if you haven't already found them that is)


Decent into madness: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16461


28 days and a bit Zombie Mutation: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/5604


The Ghost town: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9047


The Walking Dead Zombie Apocalypse: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15261


Dead Manor: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11981


Castlevania Demo: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19869


I know some of them might be dungeons or just small events but i'm sure with a little imagination you can run a few together and make up your own horror adventure! :D

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  • 3 months later...
I agree. I've seen some postings for a pyramid head mod, in which he follows you throughout the game and pops up randomly. that is something id like to see, especially with it being Halloween and all...
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Needs to be something like Silent Hill.


NO Enchanted Weapons, NO Smithing

Usable Spells: Healing Spells with Limited Uses

Usable Weapons: Iron Daggers, Wooden Sticks and Woodcutter Axe

Limited Torches for Light.

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