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Skyrim Need A Horror MOD.


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What would be totally amazing is if someone makes a Mod based off of Wizardry Online with some of those horror aspects :3 with a pseudo permadeath thing (not entirely permanent) more like you die and you will be randomly chased by a reaper/ dragon priest as a reaper while your ghost is helplessly running to a revival statue, but with a time limit to revive or else you will lose your soul :D oh and difficulttraps that will rival Dark Souls' obstacles. That would be amazing :D
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I'd like a mod that featured an unkillable villain that would (rarely) stalk the player when out exploring.....with the music suddenly fading away, the color palette turning dark...and a mad dash to the nearest town.


Kinda like Ichabod Crane and the Headless Horseman....or Frodo running from the Ring Wraiths.

(Finding the baddie's bones and burning them solves the quest.)

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