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Skyrim Need A Horror MOD.


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  • 3 weeks later...

If you download a buggy mod containing unnecessary duplicate to master entries, tons of deleted references, with poorly written papyrus scripts that causes save game bloating, it could corrupt your save games and cause endless CTDs. A mod like that would...scare me more than anything...

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  • 3 months later...

They should make a mod based on Dead Space.


One of the planet crackers (not the USG Ishimura, Issac blew it off in DS1... sry for spoilers) somehow got sucked into a wormhole, and it was already infested with Necromorphs. The wormhole teleported it to Tamriel and before the ship could go auto pilot, gravity greedily pulled the ship down towards Tamriel and the ship crashed in a small island..... right next to Skyrim.


Meanwhile, the Dragonborn was hearing rumors everywhere of some "treasure" in a small island right next to Skyrim. Most of them indicate something to do with Dragons... hence, perhaps a powerful Dragon Shout. Curiosity got the best of the Dragonborn and he decided to set sail for the so-called treasure.


When the ship approached the island, something... something futuristic (maybe a short radius missile) blew up the ship into pieces and sunk the Dragonborn with it. Luckily, he managed to swim ashore and continue his adventure through the harsh unfriendly terrain the island would throw at him.

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